If you have a complaint or concern about a product or service, please inform us as soon as possible.
If it is not possible, you should let us have details of your complaint:
- Within six months of the incident which caused the problem; or
- Within six months of discovering that you have a problem, provided this is within 12 months of the incident.
If you wait longer than this to tell us about your complaint, we may still be able to investigate your concerns, but
we will also have the option of not taking the matter any further.
Formal Complaints should be submitted in writing to:
Select Specs Limited
Lockwoods Yard, The Grove
Westgate on Sea
United Kingdom
We will need to know:
- Your details, including the order number
- What happened
- When it happened and
- Why are you dissatisfied
We aim to:
- Find out what happened
- Acknowledge receipt of your complaint
- Outline our interpretation of the problem to ensure we do not overlook anything
- Make sure you receive an apology where that is appropriate
- Identify what we can do to ensure that the problem does not happen again
We will typically acknowledge receipt of complaints within ten working days. Wherever possible, we will also try to
provide you with a written explanation within ten working days of the date when we received the complaint. If we
cannot do so, we shall explain why there is a delay and let you know when to expect a response.
We must strictly abide by the rules of confidentiality. If you are complaining on behalf of someone else,
we need to know that you have permission to do so. A note signed by the person concerned will be required unless
they cannot provide this, for example, because of illness.
Most problems can be resolved swiftly with our customer support team, often when they arise and with the person
concerned. If your concerns cannot be resolved in this manner and you wish to take matters further, we can signpost
you to a mediation service.